Unfiltered Therapy: Laughing through the Lows and Celebrating the Highs (Copy)

Welcome to Unfiltered Therapy, where we're ditching the stiff suits and diving into the wild ride of mental health with a sprinkle of humor and a whole lot of insight. If you've ever wondered what really goes down in a therapy session, buckle up because we're about to spill the beans.

Now, let's talk therapy. It's like going to the gym, but for your brain. Except instead of lifting weights, you're lifting emotional baggage. And trust me, we've all got plenty of that.

As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I'm here to help you navigate the messy, beautiful chaos of relationships. Whether you're dealing with a partner who leaves their socks on the floor or a family dynamic that rivals the Kardashians, I've got your back.

But wait, there's more! Ever heard of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy? It's like having a family reunion inside your head, complete with quirky characters and unresolved drama. As your IFS therapist, I'll help you wrangle those inner conflicts and find some peace among the chaos.

So why therapy? Because sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you need someone to help you hit it out of the park. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or just the daily grind of being a human, therapy is your safe space to unpack it all.

And here's the best part: therapy doesn't have to be all serious all the time. In fact, I encourage you to bring your sense of humor along for the ride. Because laughter truly is the best medicine, especially when you're knee-deep in existential crisis.

So if you're ready to laugh, cry, and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way, welcome to Unfiltered Therapy. Let's dive in and explore the messy, beautiful journey of being human together.


Unveiling the Quirky Side of Therapy (Copy)


Celebrating June: Men's Mental Health Awareness and Pride Month